2019-2020 AMS-532 Fall-Spring

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Please see http://ringo.ams.sunysb.edu/~rizzo for Rizzo Group Homepage

Instructor Dr. Robert C. Rizzo [631-632-9340, rizzorc@gmail.com]
Course No. AMS-532
Location/Time PHYSICS P123 WESTCAMPUS, Wed 12:00PM - 12:53PM
Office Hours Anytime or by appointment, Room 1-111, Dept. of Applied Math & Statistics

Journal Club Schedule (Fall & Spring) and Responsible Conduct of Research Schedule (Spring)

2019 Fall Participant Rotations or Research Group Topic References


2019.08.28 Wed Rizzo, Robert -- -- Organizational Meeting
2019.09.04 Wed Ashizawa, Ryota -- -- Guney et al; Network-based in silico drug efficacy screening. Nature Comm 2016, 7, 10331.
2019.09.11 Wed Crosser, Jacob -- -- Brunel et al; Effects of Neuromodulation in a Cortical Network Model of Object Working memory Dominated by Recurrent Inhibition. J Comput Neuro 2001, 11, 63-85.
2019.09.18 Wed Kotelnikov, Sergei -- -- Ekeberg; Improved contact predictions in proteins: Using pseudolikelihoods to infer Potts models. Phys Rev E 2013, 87, 012707.
2019.09.25 Wed Stepanenko, Darya -- -- Peterson et al; Simulated Evolution of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks wtih Realistic Topology. PLOS ONE 2012, 7, e39052.
2019.10.02 Wed Samoilova, Khristina -- -- Butler et al; Evolutionary constraints on visual cortex architecture from the dynamics of hallucinations. PNAS 2012, 109 606-609.
2019.10.09 Wed Arachchi, Kalani -- -- Kong et al; Molecular determinants for ligand binding at Nav1.4 and Nav1.7 channels: Experimental affinity results analyzed by molecular modeling. Computational Biology and Chemistry 2019, 83, 107132.
2019.10.16 Wed Earlie, Ethan -- -- Nimwegen et al; Neutral evolution of mutational robustness. PNAS 1999, 96, 9716-9720.
2019.10.23 Wed Ashizawa, Ryota -- -- Research Presentation
2019.10.30 Wed Crosser, Jacob -- -- Rotation Presentation
2019.11.06 Wed Kotelnikov, Sergei -- -- Rotation Presentation
2019.11.13 Wed Stepanenko, Darya and Samoilova, Khristina -- -- Lab Rotation Presentations
2019.11.20 Wed Arachchi, Kalani and Earlie, Ethan -- -- Lab Rotation Presentations
2019.11.27 Wed -- -- -- THANKSGIVING BREAK
2020 Spring Participant Rotations or Research Group Topic This semester students will take RCR training under AMS-500
