Database Enrichment SB2024 V1 DOCK6.10 A

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The purpose of this tutorial is to develop a uniform method to test ligand enrichment across the Rizzo lab with the DOCK software.


Ligand Enrichment is an experiment used to evaluate how well a docking program can rank experimentally known binders (termed actives) over decoy molecules for a given target. These active and decoy ligands are ideally property matched meaning an active has decoys with similar physiochemical properties. These active ligands should bind more favorably(Have a lower energy score) then the decoy ligands if the docking program can accurately model these binding site and ligand interactions.

The 3 major outcomes for this experiment are early enrichment, random enrichment, and late enrichment. Early enrichment indicates the active ligands dock more successful in the experiment(The goal for all docking programs). The second is random enrichment indicating that the docking program cannot differentiate between active and decoy. Late enrichment indicating that docking software gives the lowest energy scores to the decoys which is the worst outcome.

II.Prepping systems

-The first step is to create directories.

    mkdir testset

-Create subdirectory for each system you will run

    mkdir 1Q4X

- Then obtain the active and decoy ligands which can be found on the Schoichet DUD-E test set website Once these targets are obtained unzip these files using the gzip command and move them into the appropriate subdirectory.

    cd 1Q4X
    gzip -d actives_final.mol2.gz 
    gzip -d decoys_final.mol2.gz 

-Prepare the target receptor by either using the official SB2023 test set files (to be published) or prepare the receptor associated with the PDB using run000 to run004 in and move relevant files into the directory ~/testset/1Q4X

Following all these steps you should have a separate subdirectory for each system with the following files:


III.Docking molecules

-Now that files are ready for docking step a virtual screen will be conducted for both the active and decoy ligands separately.

-Pull Database Enrichment scripts from

- has #SBATCH header for submitting to an HPC, such as seawulf. If not using an HPC, delete #SBATCH lines. - Enter required parameters in script

    testset=" Path to folder with all system subdirectories"
    system_file=" List of systems to run"
       ie: 1Q4X
    dock=" Path to dock uppermost folder"
    mpi="Yes / No" - do you want to run in parallel
    processes=" Number of processes" - only set if mpi = Yes
    sbatch or bash

IV.Ligand Enrichment Analysis


1Q4X ligand enrichment DOCK6.9.png