Per-residue energy decompositions
From Rizzo_Lab
The Molecular Mechanics energy function is a pair-wise additive function which can be broken into per-residue components.
We call these plots molecular interaction footprints.
Calculate Decompositions Using Namd
The following script uses vmd to create pdb files label every atom with the
#! /bin/csh -fe set mountdir = "/nfs/user03/chembio/AMBER_Project" set start = 1 set stop = 35 set offset = 1 set workdir = "${mountdir}/006.FP.VMD.NAMD" cd ${workdir} ########################################### set res_start = ${start} set res_stop = ${stop} @ loop_stop = ${res_stop} + 1 cat << EOF > trajin ${mountdir}/004.ptraj/1qp6.rec.trj.stripfit trajout 1qp6.rec.stripfit.dcd charmm EOF ptraj ${mountdir}/002.TLEAP/1qp6.rec.gas.leap.prm7 > ptraj.out ########################################### cat <<EOFK >pair.maker.tcl #opens the file that has the atoms that are to be set-up for pair-interaction calculations mol load parm7 ${mountdir}/002.TLEAP/1qp6.rec.gas.leap.prm7 rst7 ${mountdir}/002.TLEAP/1qp6.rec.gas.leap.rst7 for {set resid_num $res_start} {\$resid_num < $loop_stop} {incr resid_num} { set all [atomselect top all] \$all set beta 0 set case1 [atomselect top "protein and resid 36 to 70"] \$case1 set beta 1 set case2 [atomselect top "protein and resid \$resid_num"] \$case2 set beta 2 \$all writepdb 1qp6.rec.gas.pair.\$resid_num.pdb } quit EOFK ########################################### # copy DCD files required in the calculations # to the current directory # make a special PDB files defining what the two species will be for pair interaciton calcs /nfs/user03/sudipto/vmd-1.9/bin/vmd -dispdev text -e pair.maker.tcl >> zzz.pair.maker.out echo "MAKE INPUT FILES" date set res_start = ${start} set res_stop = ${stop} @ loop_stop = ${res_stop} + 1 set start_residue = $res_start set loop_stop = $loop_stop set count01 = $start_residue ########################################### ########################################### while ( $count01 < $loop_stop ) ########################################### cat <<EOFL >07_to_08pr.$ # initial config temperature 0 # output params outputname 1qp6.rec.gas.$count01 binaryoutput no # integrator params timestep 1.0 # force field params amber on parmfile ${mountdir}/002.TLEAP/1qp6.rec.gas.leap.prm7 ambercoor ${mountdir}/002.TLEAP/1qp6.rec.gas.leap.rst7 readexclusions yes # exclusions are taken from parmfile exclude scaled1-4 1-4scaling 0.833333 # =1/1.2, default is 1.0 scnb 2.0 # Defalt switching off cutoff 999.0 # Atoms in group 1 have a 1 in the B column; group 2 has a 2 pairInteraction on pairInteractionFile 1qp6.rec.gas.pair.$count01.pdb pairInteractionCol B pairInteractionGroup1 1 pairInteractionGroup2 2 # First frame saved was frame 1000. set ts 1000 coorfile open dcd 1qp6.rec.stripfit.dcd # Read all frames until nonzero is returned. while { ![coorfile read] } { # Set firstTimestep so our energy output has the correct TS. firstTimestep \$ts # Compute energies and forces, but don't try to move the atoms. run 0 incr ts 1000 } coorfile close EOFL ########################################### cat << EOF > fp.namd.${count01}.csh #! /bin/csh #PBS -l walltime=24:00:00 #PBS -V cd ${workdir} hostname date echo "START CALCS" namd2 07_to_08pr.${count01}.in > 07_to_08pr.${count01}.out EOF qsub fp.namd.${count01}.csh @ count01 = $count01 + 1 ########################################### ########################################### end exit
Analysis script using ack which calculates the mean and standard deviation
#! /bin/csh -fe set mountdir = "/nfs/user03/chembio/AMBER_Project" set start = 1 set stop = 35 set offset = 1 set workdir = "${mountdir}/006.FP.VMD.NAMD" cd ${workdir} set res_start = ${start} set res_stop = ${stop} @ loop_stop = ${res_stop} + 1 set start_residue = $res_start set loop_stop = $loop_stop set count01 = $start_residue echo "resid,mean,std" > vdw.fp.output.csv echo "resid,mean,std" > es.fp.output.csv ########################################### while ( $count01 < $loop_stop ) ## Gets VDW awk ' BEGIN{count=0;sum=0;sum2=0;} /^ENERGY:/{count=count+1;sum=sum+$8;sum2 = sum2 + $8^2} END{mean=sum/count; std= ((sum2/count)- (mean^2))^(1/2); print "'${count01}'," mean "," std } ' 07_to_08pr.${count01}.out >> vdw.fp.output.csv ##Get ES awk ' BEGIN{count=0;sum=0;sum2=0;} /^ENERGY:/{count=count+1;sum=sum+$7;sum2 = sum2 + $7^2} END{mean=sum/count; std= ((sum2/count)- (mean^2))^(1/2); print "'${count01}'," mean "," std } ' 07_to_08pr.${count01}.out >> es.fp.output.csv @ count01 = $count01 + 1 end # while exit