2025 Denovo tutorial 2 with PDBID 1XMU

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Revision as of 17:19, 25 February 2025 by Stonybrook (talk | contribs) (Modify Ligand with Dummy Atom)
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This tutorial describes de novo method to refine ligand structure(s) using DOCK6. Rather than screening existing compounds, de novo refinement adds fragments based on known bioactive compounds, aiming to produce new ligands that bind more tightly to protein receptors than current options. This strategy is particularly valuable for:

  • Improving suboptimal ligand binding profiles
  • Overcoming resistance mechanisms
  • Exploring novel scaffolds while maintaining critical pharmacophore features

In this tutorial, we will utilize PDB structure 1XMU - Catalytic Domain Of Human Phosphodiesterase 4B In Complex With Roflumilast.

System Preparation

We first prepare a folder to contain all the input and output files for de novo refinement for 1XMU. This is the current directory structure under the upper directory dock6-1xmu.

1xmu file.png

Input File

Modify Ligand with Dummy Atom

Below shows the original ligand with hydrogen (mol2 file).

1xmu lig wH.png

Select the atoms to delete and save the mol2 file as 1xmu_lig_wDu.mol2. Hover the cursor over the atom that you intend to change to a dummy atom. Here we are changing the C21 to a dummy atom.

1xmu lig wH del.png

Open the 1xmu_lig_wDu.mol2 file and edit the C21 atom type to Du as shown below.

1xmu du vi.png

Next reopen the 1xmu_lig_wDu.mol2 file to observe if the corresponding atom is now represented as Du in magenta.

1xmu lig wDu.png

DOCK6 input
