With t4 step2 min.bash
From Rizzo_Lab
Revision as of 11:50, 18 January 2010 by Stonybrook (talk | contribs)
#!/bin/bash wd=`pwd` pre0='t4_bnz' pre1='t4_phn' mask0=':BNZ@H6' mask1=':PHN@O1,H6' for X in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 do cat << EOF > group_min_l${X} -O -i mdin_min_v0_l${X} -o ${pre0}_min_v0_l${X}.out -p ../${pre0}.prm -c ../${pre0}.rst -r ${pre0}_min_v0_l${X}.rst -O -i mdin_min_v1_l${X} -o ${pre1}_min_v1_l${X}.out -p ../${pre1}.prm -c ../${pre1}.rst -r ${pre1}_min_v1_l${X}.rst EOF cat << EOF > mdin_min_v0_l${X} density minlibration &cntrl imin = 1, ntx=1, maxcyc=500, ntmin=2, ntpr = 100, ntf = 1, ntc = 1, ntb = 1, cut = 9.0, icfe=1, clambda = 0.${X}, EOF cp mdin_min_v0_l${X} mdin_min_v1_l${X} cat << EOF >> mdin_min_v0_l${X} ifsc=1, crgmask='${mask0}', scmask='${mask0}', &end EOF cat << EOF >> mdin_min_v1_l${X} ifsc=1, crgmask='${mask1}', scmask='${mask1}', &end EOF sander="${AMBERHOME}/exe/sander.MPI" cd $wd rm -rf zzz.minqsub.out.${X} zzz.minqsub.err.${X} minrun.pbs.${X} cat << EOF > minrun.pbs.${X} #!/bin/bash #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=2 #PBS -l walltime=168:00:00 #PBS -o zzz.minqsub.out.${X} #PBS -e zzz.minqsub.err.${X} cd $wd cat \$PBS_NODEFILE | sort | uniq > mpd.nodes.${X} mpdboot --totalnum=-1 --ncpus=2 -f mpd.nodes.${X} mpiexec -n 2 $sander -O -ng 2 -groupfile group_min_l${X} mpdallexit EOF chmod +x minrun.pbs.${X} qsub minrun.pbs.${X} done