Server Administration

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Revision as of 12:11, 24 May 2013 by Lingling (talk | contribs) (Install new hard drive)
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Updating the server

Install yumex (YUM eXtender GUI for yum)

sudo yum install yumex

Install new hard drive

After plugging in new hard drive, find the drive by typing

ll /dev/sd*

The new drive show show up here in this list. In this case, it is /dev/sdc

fdisk /dev/sdc

Using fdisk, create a new Linux partition containing the entire hard drive. fdisk command m (for help), n (to add a new partition) and w (to write table to disk and exit). Defaults are recommended for the partition (one primary partition).

mkfs.ext3 -m 0 /dev/sdc1

Format this new partition as ext3. By default, this reserves 5% of the disk for root. To remove this reservation, with use "-m 0". This can be changed later with "tune2fs -m 0 /dev/sdc1". Now create a new mount point in /media..

mkdir /media/new_drive

Edit /etc/fstab to add the new drive, such as the line

/dev/sdc1 /media/new_drive ext3 defaults,user,rw 0 0 

Now mount the new partition using

mount /media/new_drive

Use df to make sure the new drive is up and you have the right amount of free space

Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1              99M   87M  7.5M  93% /boot
/dev/sdb1             459G  232G  204G  54% /media/sdb1
/dev/sdc1             917G  109M  871G   1% /media/hdock

In case you are having trouble unmounting a volume, use lazy unmount -l. This does not force an unmount, rather it waits until the device stops being busy.

umount -l hdock/