Seawulf Cluster Assessment
From Rizzo_Lab
Programs/Software Needed
- csh
- python 2.7
- numpy
- matplotlib
- tkinter
- scipy
- X-11 Forwarding
- gs (ghostscript)
- wget
- gnuplot
- grace
Compiled successfully with gcc (Dwight M.) Having issues with the intel compilers
Cannot be installed using its default configure script Reason: csh is not installed I commented out the check for "csh" and it compiled fine Parallel version is not scaling well across multiple nodes (check inifiniband) (compiled with gcc 4.9.2) openmpi 1.10.2
- Moe 2012
when I try to execute ./moebatch I get the following error: /gpfs/home/tmcgee/local/moe2012/bin-lnux/moebatch: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64 It could be the result of a 64 bit lib instead of 32 bit lib possibly
- Format vs-protocol