2018 AMBER tutorial with 2nnq

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2nnq with an explicit solvent model

Prepare the files

Convert 2nnq.lig.withH.charged.mol2 to pdb in chimera

Convert 2nnq.rec.withH.charged.mol2 to pdb in chimera

Copy into zzz.master


The system we are working on has two main components (Protein receptor & ligand). The usual forcefield "ff14SB" contains all the parameters needed for calculations of the protein. However, the ligand is a non-protein component. Therefore, ff14SB forcefield does not contain the parameters needed for the calculations regarding the ligand. Therefore, we need to generate parameters needed for the ligand. The following steps will be taken using antechamber in order to generate the ligand parameters.

Move into 000.programs

Paramaterize the ligand

antechamber -i ../zzz.master/2nnq.lig.withH.charged.pdb -fi pdb -o 2nnq_lig.am1bcc.mol2 -fo mol2 -at gaff2 -c bcc -rn LIG -nc -1

Check for missing force field parameters

parmchk2 -i 2nnq_lig.am1bcc.mol2 -f mol2 -o 2nnq_lig.am1bcc.frcmod


Move into 001.tleap_build

Create tleap.build.in file


###Load Protein force field                                                     
source leaprc.protein.ff14SB
###Load GAFF force field (for our ligand)                                       
source leaprc.gaff
###Load TIP3P (water) force field                                               
source leaprc.water.tip3p
####Load Ions frcmod for the tip3p model                                        
loadamberparams frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p
###Needed so we can use igb=8 model                                             
set default PBradii mbondi3

###Load Protein pdb file                                                        
rec=loadpdb ../zzz.master/2nnq.rec.withH.charged.pdb

###Load Ligand frcmod/mol2                                                      
loadamberparams ../000.parameters/2nnq_lig.am1bcc.frcmod
lig=loadmol2 ../000.parameters/2nnq_lig.am1bcc.mol2

###Create gas-phase complex                                                     
gascomplex= combine {rec lig}

###Write gas-phase pdb                                                          
savepdb gascomplex 2nnq.gas.complex.pdb

###Write gas-phase toplogy and coord files for MMGBSA calc                      
saveamberparm gascomplex 2nnq.gas.complex.prmtop 2nnq.gas.complex.rst7
saveamberparm rec 2nnq.gas.receptor.prmtop 2nnq.gas.receptor.rst7
saveamberparm lig 2nnq.gas.ligand.prmtop 2nnq.gas.ligand.rst7

###Create solvated complex (albeit redundant)                                   
solvcomplex= combine {rec lig}

###Solvate the system                                                           
solvateoct solvcomplex TIP3PBOX 12.0

###Neutralize system (it will add either Na or Cl depending on net charge)      
addions solvcomplex Cl- 0
addions solvcomplex Na+ 0

###Write solvated pdb file

###Create solvated complex (albeit redundant)                                   
solvcomplex= combine {rec lig}

###Solvate the system                                                           
solvateoct solvcomplex TIP3PBOX 12.0

###Neutralize system (it will add either Na or Cl depending on net charge)      
addions solvcomplex Cl- 0
addions solvcomplex Na+ 0

###Write solvated pdb file            

Create Amber topology and coordinates files for the MD simulation

tleap -f tleap.build.in


Create the following input files for the equilibration of the system.

vim 01.min.mdin
Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=5000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=5.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
vim 02.equil.mdin
 MD simualation
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on bonds between hydrogens
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=5.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on
vim 03.min.mdin
Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=1000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=2.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
vim 04.min.mdin
 Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=1000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
vim 05.min.mdin

  Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=1000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.05, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
vim 06.equil.mdin
 MD simualation
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on bonds between hydrogens
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=1.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on
vim 07.equil.mdin
MD simulation
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.5, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on
vim 08.equil.mdin
MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131@CA,C,N", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on
vim 09.equil.mdin

MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-131@CA,C,N", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on

Create a submission script that utilizes, above input files to equilibrate the biological system.

vim mdequilibration.sh
#PBS -N 2nnq_equilibration                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
#PBS -l walltime=04:00:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=28                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
#PBS -j oe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
#PBS -q long                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


echo "Started Equilibration on `date` "


MDINPUTS=(01.min 02.equil 03.min 04.min 05.min 06.equil 07.equil 08.equil 09.equil)

for input in ${MDINPUTS[@]}; do

 $do_parallel -O -i ${input}.mdin -o ${input}.mdout -p $prmtop -c ${coords}.rst7 -ref ${coords}.rst7 -x ${input}.trj -inf 
${input}.info -r ${input}.rst7

echo "Finished Equilibration on `date` "

Submit the job

qsub md.equilibration.sh


Move into 003.production

Move into 001.restrained

Create 10.prod.mdin

 MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=5000000,   ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=2,            ! SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.002,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=2,            ! No force evaluation for bonds with hydrogen
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 2500,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 2500,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 5000000,    ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=8.0,          ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-287@CA,C,N", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on

Create prod.sh

#PBS -N 2nnq_production                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=24                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
#PBS -j oe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
#PBS -o production.output
#PBS -q long                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


echo "Started Production on `date` "
#do_parallel="mpirun pmemd.MPI"                                                                                                                                                                                                               
do_cuda="mpirun pmemd.MPI"



for input in ${MDINPUTS[@]}; do

 $do_cuda -O -i ${input}.mdin -o ${input}.mdout -p $prmtop -c ${coords}.rst7 -ref ${coords}.rst7 -x ${input}.trj -inf 
${input}.info -r ${input}.rst7

echo "Finished Production on `date` "

Submit the job

qsub prod.sh

Move into 002.unrestrained

Create 10.prod.mdin

 MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=5000000    ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=2,            ! SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.002,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=2,            ! No force evaluation for bonds with hydrogen
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 2500,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 2500,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 5000000,    ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on

Create prod.sh

#PBS -N 2nnq_production                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
#PBS -l walltime=24:00:00                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
#PBS -l nodes=2:ppn=24                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
#PBS -j oe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
#PBS -o production.output
#PBS -q long                                                                                                                                                                                                                     


echo "Started Production on `date` "
#do_parallel="mpirun pmemd.MPI"                                                                                                                                                                                                               
do_cuda="mpirun pmemd.MPI"



for input in ${MDINPUTS[@]}; do

 $do_cuda -O -i ${input}.mdin -o ${input}.mdout -p $prmtop -c ${coords}.rst7 -ref ${coords}.rst7 -x ${input}.trj -inf 
${input}.info -r ${input}.rst7

echo "Finished Production on `date` "

Submit the job

qsub prod.sh



How far our ligand moved and how far our receptor moved

Create cpptraj.strip.wat.in

parm ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.wet.complex.prmtop
#read in trajectory                                                         
trajin ../../003.production/001.restrained/10.prod.trj
#read in reference                                                          
reference ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.wet.complex.rst7
#compute rmsd and align CA to the crystal structure                         
rmsd rms1 reference :1-131@CA
#strip Solvent                                                              
strip :WAT:Na+:Cl-
#create gas-phase trajectory                                                
trajout 2nnq.stripfit.restrained.gas.trj nobox

Run cpptraj

cpptraj -i cpptraj.strip.wat.in

Create cpptraj.rmsd.lig.in

#trajin the trajectory                                                      
trajin 2nnq.stripfit.restrained.gas.trj
#read in the reference                                                      
reference ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.gas.complex.rst7
#compute the RMSD (do not fit the internal geometries first, included rigid body motions                                                               
#and convert the frames to ns (framenum*.005)                               
rmsd rms1 ":132&!(@H=)" nofit mass out 2nnq.lig.restrained.rmsd.nofit.dat time .005
#histogram the nofit rmsd                                                   
histogram rms1,*,*,.1,* norm out 2nnq.lig.restrained.rmsd.nofit.histogram.dat

Run cpptraj

cpptraj -p ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.gas.complex.prmtop -i cpptraj.rmsd.lig.in

Create cpptraj.rmsd.rec.in

#trajin the trajectory                                                                           
trajin 2nnq.stripfit.restrained.gas.trj
#read in the reference                                                                           
reference ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.gas.complex.rst7
#compute the RMSD (do not fit the internal geometries first, included rigid body motions         
#and convert the frames to ns (framenum*.005)                                                    
rmsd rms1 ":1-131&!(@H=)" nofit mass out 2nnq.rec.restrained.rmsd.nofit.dat time .005
#histogram the nofit rmsd                                                                        
histogram rms1,*,*,.1,* norm out 2nnq.rec.restrained.rmsd.nofit.histogram.dat

Run cpptraj

cpptraj -p ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.gas.complex.prmtop -i cpptraj.rmsd.rec.in

H Bond

Hydrogen bonding

Create cpptraj.hbond.in

#read in trajectory                                                                                                                        
trajin ../../003.production/001.restrained/10.prod.trj
#wrap everything into one periodic cell                                                                                                    
#compute intra and water mediated hydrogen bonds                                                                                           
hbond hb1 :1-288 out 2nnq_sunitinib.hbond.out avgout 2nnq_sunitinib.hbond.avg.dat solventdonor :WAT solventacceptor :WAT@O 
nointramol brid\
geout 2nnq_sunitinib.bridge-water.dat dist 3.0 angle 140

Run cpptraj

cpptraj -p ../../001.tleap_build/2nnq.wet.complex.prmtop -i cpptraj.hbond.in


This will analyze how strongly our small molecule binds to our receptor.

Create mmgbsa.in

mmgbsa 2nnq analysis                                                                                                                    
  interval=1, netcdf=1,                                                                                                                    
  saltcon=0.0, surften=0.0072,                                                                                                             
  surfoff=0.0, molsurf=0,                                                                                                                  
  drms=0.001, maxcyc=10000,                                                                                                                
  nminterval=250, nmendframe=2000,                                                                                                         

Create mmgbsa.sh

#PBS -l walltime=35:00:00                                                                                                                  
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24                                                                                                                     
#PBS -N 4qmz_mmgbsa                                                                                                                        
#PBS -V                                                                                                                                    
#PBS -j oe                                                                                                                                 
#PBS -q long-24core                                                                                                                         


#Define topology files                                                                                                                     

#create mmgbsa input file                                                                                                                  
cat >mmgbsa.in<<EOF                                                                                                                        
mmgbsa HIVgp41 analysis                                                                                                                    
  interval=1, netcdf=1,                                                                                                                    
  saltcon=0.0, surften=0.0072,                                                                                                             
  surfoff=0.0, molsurf=0,                                                                                                                  
  drms=0.001, maxcyc=10000,                                                                                                                
  nminterval=250, nmendframe=2000,                                                                                                         


MMPBSA.py -O -i mmgbsa.in \
           -o  2nnq.mmgbsa.results.dat \
           -eo 2nnq.mmgbsa.per-frame.dat \
           -sp ${solv_prmtop} \
           -cp ${complex_prmtop} \
           -rp ${receptor_prmtop} \
           -lp ${ligand_prmtop} \
            -y ${trajectory}

Submit your script

qsub mmgbsa.sh

The last line of our 2nnq.mmgbsa.results.dat file shows that our delta G binding is -24.4431 +/- 5.4851.