2022 Denovo tutorial 1 with PDBID 6ME2

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This article is a continuation of PDBID 6ME2, with the previous one detailing how to run a virtual screen on this protein. This article will detail how to run a focused de novo design experiment on 6ME2.

I. De novo design

  • Define and describe difference between focused and generic de novo design*

Generating a fragment library

Focused de novo growth

Now, it is time to create ligands that should fit well into the appropriate region of the receptor. This is done by combining the fragments generated in the previous step, taking into account charge, molecular weight, and other constraints.

Create a directory called 011_dn_focus and cd into it:

 cd 011_dn_focus

Now create the following input file:

 vi dn_focus.in

And write the following into the dn_focus.in file:

 conformer_search_type                                        denovo
 dn_user_specified_anchor                                     no
 dn_use_torenv_table                                          yes
 dn_sampling_method                                           graph
 dn_graph_max_picks                                           30
 dn_graph_breadth                                             3
 dn_graph_depth                                               2
 dn_graph_temperature                                         100.0
 dn_pruning_conformer_score_cutoff                            100.0
 dn_pruning_conformer_score_scaling_factor                    1.0
 dn_pruning_clustering_cutoff                                 100.0
 dn_constraint_mol_wt                                         550.0
 dn_constraint_rot_bon                                        15
 dn_constraint_formal_charge                                  2.0
 dn_heur_unmatched_num                                        1
 dn_heur_matched_rmsd                                         2.0
 dn_unique_anchors                                            1
 dn_max_grow_layers                                           9
 dn_max_root_size                                             25
 dn_max_layer_size                                            25
 dn_max_current_aps                                           5
 dn_max_scaffolds_per_layer                                   1
 dn_write_checkpoints                                         yes
 dn_write_prune_dump                                          no
 dn_write_orients                                             no
 dn_write_growth_trees                                        no
 dn_output_prefix                                             dn_focus.out
 use_internal_energy                                          yes
 internal_energy_rep_exp                                      12
 internal_energy_cutoff                                       100.0
 use_database_filter                                          no
 orient_ligand                                                yes
 automated_matching                                           yes
 max_orientations                                             1000
 critical_points                                              no
 chemical_matching                                            no
 use_ligand_spheres                                           no
 bump_filter                                                  no
 score_molecules                                              yes
 contact_score_primary                                        no
 contact_score_secondary                                      no
 grid_score_primary                                           yes
 grid_score_secondary                                         no
 grid_score_rep_rad_scale                                     1
 grid_score_vdw_scale                                         1
 grid_score_es_scale                                          1
 grid_score_grid_prefix                                       ../003_gridbox/grid
 multigrid_score_secondary                                    no
 dock3.5_score_secondary                                      no
 continuous_score_secondary                                   no
 footprint_similarity_score_secondary                         no
 pharmacophore_score_secondary                                no
 descriptor_score_secondary                                   no
 gbsa_zou_score_secondary                                     no
 gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary                                 no
 SASA_score_secondary                                         no
 amber_score_secondary                                        no
 minimize_ligand                                              yes
 minimize_anchor                                              yes
 minimize_flexible_growth                                     yes
 use_advanced_simplex_parameters                              no
 simplex_max_cycles                                           1
 simplex_score_converge                                       0.1
 simplex_cycle_converge                                       1.0
 simplex_trans_step                                           1.0
 simplex_rot_step                                             0.1
 simplex_tors_step                                            10.0
 simplex_anchor_max_iterations                                500
 simplex_grow_max_iterations                                  500
 simplex_grow_tors_premin_iterations                          0
 simplex_random_seed                                          0
 simplex_restraint_min                                        no
 atom_model                                                   all

To start the de novo growth process, run dock6 using this input file by typing:

 dock6 -i dn_focus.in -o dn_focus.out

Focused de novo rescore

Now that we have generated our molecules from the de novo growth, we can rescore them based on different characteristics of the molecules in order to get a better idea of which ones are better for in vitro binding. In order to do this, make a directory called 012_dn_rescore and cd into it. We now need to generate an input file and a submit file. For the input file, vi into dn_rescore.in and write the following to that file:

conformer_search_type                                        rigid 
use_internal_energy                                          yes
internal_energy_rep_exp                                      12
internal_energy_cutoff                                       100.0
ligand_atom_file                                             ../58.dn_focus/dn_focus.out.denovo_build.mol2
limit_max_ligands                                            no
skip_molecule                                                no
read_mol_solvation                                           no
calculate_rmsd                                               no
use_database_filter                                          no
orient_ligand                                                no
bump_filter                                                  no
score_molecules                                              yes
contact_score_primary                                        no
contact_score_secondary                                      no
grid_score_primary                                           no
grid_score_secondary                                         no
multigrid_score_primary                                      no
multigrid_score_secondary                                    no
dock3.5_score_primary                                        no
dock3.5_score_secondary                                      no
continuous_score_primary                                     no
continuous_score_secondary                                   no
footprint_similarity_score_primary                           no
footprint_similarity_score_secondary                         no
pharmacophore_score_primary                                  no
pharmacophore_score_secondary                                no
descriptor_score_primary                                     yes
descriptor_score_secondary                                   no
descriptor_use_grid_score                                    no
descriptor_use_multigrid_score                               no
descriptor_use_continuous_score                              no
descriptor_use_footprint_similarity                          yes
descriptor_use_pharmacophore_score                           yes
descriptor_use_tanimoto                                      yes
descriptor_use_hungarian                                     yes
descriptor_use_volume_overlap                                yes
descriptor_fps_score_use_footprint_reference_mol2            yes
descriptor_fps_score_footprint_reference_mol2_filename       ../53.dock/6ME2.lig.min_scored.mol2
descriptor_fps_score_foot_compare_type                       Euclidean
descriptor_fps_score_normalize_foot                          no
descriptor_fps_score_foot_comp_all_residue                   yes
descriptor_fps_score_receptor_filename                       ../50.structure/6ME2.receptor_wH.mol2
descriptor_fps_score_vdw_att_exp                             6
descriptor_fps_score_vdw_rep_exp                             12
descriptor_fps_score_vdw_rep_rad_scale                       1
descriptor_fps_score_use_distance_dependent_dielectric       yes
descriptor_fps_score_dielectric                              4.0
descriptor_fps_score_vdw_fp_scale                            1
descriptor_fps_score_es_fp_scale                             1
descriptor_fps_score_hb_fp_scale                             0
descriptor_fms_score_use_ref_mol2                            yes
descriptor_fms_score_ref_mol2_filename                       ../53.dock/6ME2.lig.min_scored.mol2
descriptor_fms_score_write_reference_pharmacophore_mol2      no
descriptor_fms_score_write_reference_pharmacophore_txt       no
descriptor_fms_score_write_candidate_pharmacophore           no
descriptor_fms_score_write_matched_pharmacophore             no
descriptor_fms_score_compare_type                            overlap
descriptor_fms_score_full_match                              yes
descriptor_fms_score_match_rate_weight                       5.0
descriptor_fms_score_match_dist_cutoff                       1.0
descriptor_fms_score_match_proj_cutoff                       0.7071
descriptor_fms_score_max_score                               20
descriptor_fingerprint_ref_filename                          ../53.dock/6ME2.lig.min_scored.mol2
descriptor_hms_score_ref_filename                            ../53.dock/6ME2.lig.min_scored.mol2
descriptor_hms_score_matching_coeff                          -5
descriptor_hms_score_rmsd_coeff                              1
descriptor_volume_score_reference_mol2_filename              ../53.dock/6ME2.lig.min_scored.mol2
descriptor_volume_score_overlap_compute_method               analytical
descriptor_weight_fps_score                                  1
descriptor_weight_pharmacophore_score                        1
descriptor_weight_fingerprint_tanimoto                       -1
descriptor_weight_hms_score                                  1
descriptor_weight_volume_overlap_score                       -1
gbsa_zou_score_secondary                                     no
gbsa_hawkins_score_secondary                                 no
SASA_score_secondary                                         no
amber_score_secondary                                        no
minimize_ligand                                              no
atom_model                                                   all
vdw_defn_file                                                /gpfs/projects/AMS536/zzz.programs/dock6.9_release/parameters/vdw_AMBER_parm99.defn
flex_defn_file                                               /gpfs/projects/AMS536/zzz.programs/dock6.9_release/parameters/flex.defn
flex_drive_file                                              /gpfs/projects/AMS536/zzz.programs/dock6.9_release/parameters/flex_drive.tbl 
chem_defn_file                                               /gpfs/projects/AMS536/zzz.programs/dock6.9_release/parameters/chem.defn
pharmacophore_defn_file                                      /gpfs/projects/AMS536/zzz.programs/dock6.9_release/parameters/ph4.defn
ligand_outfile_prefix                                        descriptor.output
write_footprints                                             yes
write_hbonds                                                 yes
write_orientations                                           no
num_scored_conformers                                        1
rank_ligands                                                 no

Once you have finished, vi into dn_rescore.sh and write the following to that file:

#SBATCH --time=48:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=28
#SBATCH --job-name=dn_rescore
#SBATCH --output=dn_rescore.out
#SBATCH -p long-28core
echo "starting Dock6.9 simulation"
/gpfs/projects/AMS536/zzz.programs/dock6.9_release/bin/dock6.mpi -i dn_rescore.in -o dn_rescore.out

To submit this job, type the following into the terminal:

dock6 -i rescore.in -o rescore.out

When this finishes, you will generate a couple of files, the most important of which is the descriptor.output_scored.mol2 file. Move that to the comupter you are using Chimera on and load that file into Chimera using ViewDock as described in the virtual screen tutorial. It is also a good idea to load in the native substrate to see how these new ligands compare to the original.




The first two images show the top scored and 2nd highest scored ligands with the receptor and the third image shows all the rescored ligands at the same time. There's a lot of variability in where any of these ligands can be docked, but the top two ligands seem to have been docked in the same part of the binding pocket.