2024 AMBER tutorial 1 with PDBID 2ITO

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AMBER is a molecular dynamics program that simulate the behavior of a protein/ligand complex of interest. AMBER considers all atoms and models their interactions over time, continuously updating positions and forces in small time increments. For this tutorial, we will focus on 2ITO.

Getting Started

Update the directory structure to the following:



Similarly to the DOCK tutorial, we need to obtain the structure of the protein and ligand. For the protein, we want to fill in all loops even if it is not near the binding pocket, since AMBER considers all atoms in its calculations. Follow the DOCK tutorial for 2ITO to do this.

For the protein, do not add H or add charge. Save as 2ITO_protein_only_for_AMBER.pdb and 2ITO_protein_only_for_AMBER.mol2. For the ligand, add H and add charge. Save as 2ITO_ligand_only_for_AMBER.pdb and 2ITO_ligand_only_for_AMBER.mol2.

Force Field Parameters

Force field parameters are required to calculation the interactions between all atoms. This needs to be done for the ligand. Create the following slurm script as follows:

 vi 2ITO_ffp.slurm

and have the following within the file:

Make sure to change LIG -nc 0 based off of your ligand. It is the charge on the ligand. For 2ITO, this charge is +1.

Once the slurm file has run, the following will show up in your directory:


2ITO_ligand_antechamber.mol2 is the file with the parameters we generated.

In the command line, load amber 16:

 module load amber/16

Run the following command to modify the parameters slightly:

parmchk2 -i 2ITO_ligand_antechamber.mol2 -f mol2 -o 2ITO_ligand.am1bcc.frcmod

You will see 2ITO_ligand.am1bcc.frcmod file in your directory.


TLeap is a program with AMBER that will prepare the system for MD simulations. It will generate the gas-phase and solvated systems.

Create the file:

 vi 2ITO_tleap.in

and add the following to the file:

Create the following slurm file:

 vi 2ITO_tleap.slurm

and add the following to the file:

Run the slurm and you should get the following new files in your directory:


You can look at the files you created by moving the files to your local computer. Move 2ITO.wet.complex.rst7 and 2ITO.wet.complex.prmtop. Open chimera and follow the following commands:

 Tools → MD/Ensemble Analysis → MD Movie

Click browse and put in the prmtop file. Add the rst7 trajectory file. You should be able to view your system.


Look at the 2ITO.gas.complex.pdb file that was just generated. Scroll all the way down to see the residues in the complex. In our example, the protein is residues 1-324 and the ligand is 325.

We need to equilibrate the system before running the MD simulations. Note, for files 1-7, set the restraint mask to the entire system (1-325). For files 8-9, set the restraint mask to cover only the receptor (1-324).


 vi 01.min.mdin

With the following:

 Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=5000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=5.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format


 vi 02.equil.mdin

With the following:

 MD simulation
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on bonds between hydrogens
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=5.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on


 vi 03.min.mdin

With the following:

 Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=1000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=2.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format


 vi 04.min.mdin

With the following:

 Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=1000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format


 vi 05.min.mdin

With the following:

 Minmize all the hydrogens
 imin=1,           ! Minimize the initial structure
 maxcyc=1000,    ! Maximum number of cycles for minimization
 ntb=1,            ! Constant volume
 ntp=0,            ! No pressure scaling
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.05, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format


 vi 06.equil.mdin

With the following:

 MD simulation
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on bonds between hydrogens
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=1.0, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on


 vi 07.equil.mdin

With the following:

 MD simulation
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-325 & !@H=", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.5, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on


 vi 08.equil.mdin

With the following:

 MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-324@CA.C.N", ! atoms to be restrained, only the backbone
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on


 vi 09.equil.mdin

With the following:

 MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=50000      ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=1,            ! No SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.001,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=1,            ! Complete force evaluation
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 1000,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 1000,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 1000,       ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=  8.0,        ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-324@CA.C.N", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on

Create the following slurm file with the following and run:

 #SBATCH --job-name=2ITO_equilibration
 #SBATCH --output=equilibration_output.txt
 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=24
 #SBATCH --nodes=1
 #SBATCH --time=48:00:00
 #SBATCH -p long-24core

 module load amber/16

 do_parallel="mpirun -np 80 pmemd.MPI"


 MDINPUTS=(01.min 02.equil 03.min 04.min 05.min 06.equil 07.equil 08.equil 09.equil)

 for input in ${MDINPUTS[@]}; do

 $do_parallel -O -i ${input}.mdin -o ${input}.mdout -p $prmtop -c ${coords}.rst7 -ref ${coords}.rst7 -x ${input}.trj -inf ${input}.info -r ${input}.rst7


The system is all equilibrated and now we can run production run.

 vi 10.prod.mdin

and add the following:

 MD simulations
 imin=0,           ! Perform MD
 nstlim=5000000,   ! Number of MD steps
 ntx=5,            ! Positions and velocities read formatted
 irest=1,          ! Restart calculation
 ntc=2,            ! SHAKE on for bonds with hydrogen
 dt=0.002,         ! Timestep (ps)
 ntb=2,            ! Constant Pressure
 ntp=1,            ! Isotropic pressure scaling
 barostat=1        ! Berendsen
 taup=0.5          ! Pressure relaxtion time (ps)
 ntf=2,            ! No force evaluation for bonds with hydrogen
 ntt=3,            ! Langevin thermostat
 gamma_ln=2.0      ! Collision Frequency for thermostat
 ig=-1,            ! Random seed for thermostat
 temp0=298.15      ! Simulation temperature (K)
 ntwx= 2500,       ! Write to trajectory file every ntwx steps
 ntpr= 2500,       ! Print to mdout every ntpr steps
 ntwr= 5000000,    ! Write a restart file every ntwr steps
 cut=8.0,          ! Nonbonded cutoff in Angstroms
 ntr=1,            ! Turn on restraints
 restraintmask=":1-324@CA,C,N", ! atoms to be restrained
 restraint_wt=0.1, ! force constant for restraint
 ntxo=1,           ! Write coordinate file in ASCII format
 ioutfm=0,         ! Write trajectory file in ASCII format
 iwrap=1,          ! iwrap is turned on

Create the slurm file:


and add the following:

 #SBATCH --job-name=2ITO_production
 #SBATCH --output=2ITO_production.txt
 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=28
 #SBATCH --nodes=4
 #SBATCH --time=48:00:00
 #SBATCH -p long-28core 
 module load amber/16
 do_parallel="mpirun pmemd.MPI"
 for input in ${MDINPUTS[@]}; do
  $do_parallel -O -i ${input}.mdin -o ${input}.mdout -p $prmtop -c ${coords}.rst7 -ref ${coords}.rst7 -x ${input}.trj -inf ${input}.info -r ${input}.rst7

Run the slurm script


Now we can analyze the simulation by looking at the RMSD, H-Bonds, and MM/GBSA results.


First we want to strip all the water:

 vi cpp_strip_water.in

with the following:

 parm ../003_tleap/2ITO.wet.complex.prmtop
 #read in trajectory
 trajin ../005_production/10.prod.trj
 #read in reference
 reference ../003_tleap/2ITO.wet.complex.rst7
 #compute RMSD + align CA to crystal structure
 rmsd rms1 reference :1-325@CA
 #strip solvent
 strip :WAT:Na+:Cl-
 #create gas-phase trajectory
 trajout 2ITO_stripfit_restrained_gas.trj nobox
 cpp_strip_water.in (END)

Run it with the following command:

 cpptraj -i cpp_strip_water.in

To look at the RMSD of the ligand, we only want to look at the residue that includes the ligand:

 vi cpp_rmsd_lig.in

with the following:

 #trajin the trajectory
 trajin 2ITO_stripfit_restrained_gas.trj
 #read in reference
 reference ../003_tleap/2ITO.gas.complex.rst7
 #compute RMSD (do not fit internal geometris first, included rigid body motions, convert frames to ns (framenum*.005)
 rmsd rms1 ":325&!(@H=)" nofit mass out 2ITO_lig_restrained_rmsd_nofit.dat time .005
 #histogram the nofit rmsd
 histogram rms1,*,*,.1,* norm out 2ITO_lig_restrained_rmsd_nofit_histogram.dat 

Run it with the following command:

 cpptraj -p ../003_tleap/2ITO.complex.parm7 -i cpp_rmsd_lig.in

Now we want to look at the RMSD of the receptor. Include the residues that include only the receptor:

 vi cpp_rmsd_receptor.in

with the following:

 #trajin the trajectory
 trajin 2ITO_stripfit_restrained_gas.trj
 #read in reference
 reference ../003_tleap/2ITO.gas.complex.rst7
 #compute RMSD (do not fit internal geometries first, included rigid body motions, convert frames to ns (framenum*.005)
 rmsd rms1 ":1-324&!(@H=)" nofit mass out 2ITO_receptor_restrained_rmsd_nofit.dat time .005
 #histogram the nofit rmsd
 histogram rms1,*,*,.1,* norm out 2ITO_receptor_restrained_rmsd_nofit_histogram.dat

Run it with the following command:

 cpptraj -p ../003_tleap/2ITO.complex.parm7 -i cpp_rmsd_receptor.in

If you want to look at the histogram, you can graph it using python.


To look at the hydrogen bonds that occur in the system during the simulation, make sure to include the receptor and ligand in the mask. Create the program:

 vi cpp_hbonds.in

with the following:

 #read in trajectory
 trajin ../004_production/10_prod.trj
 #wrap everything in one periodic cell - could cause problems, may comment out #autoimage if problems later
 #compute intra + water-mediated H-bonds
 hbond hb1 :1-325 out 2ITO_hbond.out avgout 2ITO_hbond_avg.dat solventdonor :WAT solventacceptor :WAT@-O
 nointramol bridgeout 2ITO_bridge-water.dat dist 3.0 angle 140

Run it with the following command:

 cpptraj -p ../003_tleap/2ITO.wet.complex.prmtop -i cpp_hbonds.in


Now we will calcualte the free energy of the system. Create the program:

 vi mmgbsa_2ITO.in

with the following:

 mmgbsa 2ITO analysis
  interval=1, netcdf=1,
  saltcon=0.0, surften=0.0072,
  surfoff=0.0, molsurf=0,
 drms=0.001, maxcyc=10000,
 nminterval=250, nmendframe=2000,

Create the slurm file:

 vi 2ITO_mmgbsa.slurm

with the following:

 #SBATCH --time=2-00:00:00
 #SBATCH --nodes=2
 #SBATCH --ntasks=28
 #SBATCH --job-name=2ITO_MMGBSA
 #SBATCH --output=2ITO_MMGBSA.log
 #SBATCH -p extended-28core
 #Define topology files
 MMPBSA.py -O -i mmgbsa.in \
      -o 2ITO_mmgbsa_results.dat \ 
      -eo 2ITO_mmgbsa_perframe.dat \
      -sp ${solv_parm} \
      -cp ${complex_parm} \
      -rp ${receptor_parm} \
      -lp ${lig_parm} \
      -y ${trajectory}

and run the slurm file.

sbatch 2ITO_mmgbsa.slurm