From Rizzo_Lab
This is combination of python, numpy and matplotlib which supposedly can do everything matlab can. We are still investigating this package to see if we can use directly for analysis scripts. This way be will not have to write python scripts that produce csv files for analysis in matlab.
Bar charts
import numpy.numarray as na from pylab import * labels = ["Baseline", "System"] data = [3.75 , 4.75] error = [0.3497 , 0.3108] xlocations = na.array(range(len(data)))+0.5 width = 0.5 bar(xlocations, data, yerr=error, width=width) yticks(range(0, 8)) xticks(xlocations+ width/2, labels) xlim(0, xlocations[-1]+width*2) title("Average Ratings on the Training Set") gca().get_xaxis().tick_bottom() gca().get_yaxis().tick_left() show()
Plotting a histogram
from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg from pylab import randn x = randn(10000) fig = Figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.hist(x,100) ax.set_xlabel("Random Numbers") ax.set_ylabel("Population") canvas = FigureCanvasAgg(fig) canvas.print_figure("hist.png", dpi=300)