Rotation students Wiki
Rotations students should get accounts on Seawulf Cluster. Please follow these steps to apply for a Seawulf account.
1. Research Project Summary
Write a short paragraph describing the project you will be doing during your rotation in Rizzo Group. Also include the specific programs (e.g. DOCK, AMBER, NAMD) you will be using and the kind of calculations (MD simulations, virtual screening etc.) you will be running on Seawulf.
2. Online Application
The online application form for apply for a Seawulf account can be found here:
Fill the required information in the first section (Name, contact information etc). In the second section, indicate “Laboratory Rotation Student: Rizzo Research Group” under “Title of Proposal”. The paragraph describing the rotation project (Step 1) should be included in the "Summary of Proposal" section.
Upload a pdf version of the following proposal under "Please attach your Formal Proposal (PDF formats only - files of other types can not be reviewed!)"
You can leave the other sections blank.
3. Activating your Seawulf Account
Once your Seawulf account has been approved, please see Activating your Seawulf Account Rizzo Lab wiki page and follow instructions to setup your Seawulf Account.